Eye Movement Therapy (EMDR) Edmonton

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, more commonly referred to as EMDR is a structured therapy that encourages individuals to briefly focus on a trauma memory while experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), at the same time. EMDR has been shown to reduce the vividness and painful emotions attached with a trauma memory.

What is involved in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy?

As a therapist verbally guides you through recalling and processing a traumatic memory they will use a simultaneous method of stimulation. Types of stimulation in EMDR include:

EMDR background and applications

EMDR therapy was originally developed by American Psychologist Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s. Initially it was used to treat individuals with traumatic memories, but now the modality is used to to treat a variety of disorders including:

EMDR is built on the theory that trauma causes changes in the brain which stops the mind from processing the way it should. This causes anxiety and unwelcome thoughts. By recalling these traumatic memories while undergoing stimulation, experts believe the brain is able to process these memories correctly. EMDR assists in helping individuals move past trauma, preventing anxiety and other challenges commonly associated with PTSD and other disorders.

Studies have shown that individuals undergoing EMDR progress twice as fast as those undergoing talk therapy. Research also suggests that as few as three sessions provided significant PTSD relief for 90 percent of trauma survivors studied.

At Equinox Therapeutic we have several Edmonton psychologists and counselors specializing in PTSD, trauma and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. If you have questions about EMDR or if you’d like to set up a consultation to find out more, visit our contact page.

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